Jinetes: (1°) Jose Luis Rodriguez, (2°) Treylon S Albert, (3°) Adam Beschizza, (4°) Marcelino Pedroza, Jr., (5°) Emanuel Nieves, (6°) Mitchell Murrill, (7°) Jose Riquelme, (8°) Rohan R. Singh, (9°) David Cohen
Preparadores: (1°) Ron Faucheux, (2°) Keith G. Bourgeois, (3°) Scott Gelner, (4°) Keith Charles, (5°) Cesar Govea, (6°) Chad Ladner, (7°) Alvin Romero, (8°) Darla S. Singh, (9°) Lon Wiggins
Studs: (1°) Winalot Racing, LLC (Ming Yan Ng, et al.), (2°) Robert Asaro Enterprises, Inc. (Robert Asaro), (3°) Norman Stables, LLC (Robbie Norman) and Mark Norman, (4°) Keith Charles, (5°) L and G Racing Stables, (6°) Chad Ladner, (7°) Ronnie Huff, Danny Bone and Danny Booth, (8°) Natalie Singh, (9°) Tim Castellaw
Criadores: (1°) Jerry Hughes, (2°) Farm III Enterprises LLC, (3°) Barry R. Ostrager, (4°) American Equistock Inc. & Drumkenny Farm, (5°) Jose Luis Espinoza, (6°) Colts Neck Stables, (7°) Lantern Hill Farm, (8°) Flaxman Holdings Limited, (9°) Calumet Farm
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