Allowance (Alw) Pr. "Allowance" Hembras 3 años y más (h3a+) 1200m Pasto (Firm) 17:09 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $92.000
USD $50.600 al 1ro - USD $18.400 al 2do - USD $11.040 al 3ro - USD $5.520 al 4to - USD $3.680 al 5to - USD $690 al 6to - USD $690 al 7mo - USD $690 al 8vo - USD $690 al 9no
Apuestas Exacta, trifecta (.50), super (.10), double wagers
Retiros: (1)Shannon, (8)Hot Fudge, (9)To a T, (13)Chasing Cara, (14)Monshun, (15)Ruvies in Time, (16)Awillaway
Tiempo: 01.07.80 1200m Pasto (Firm)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(12) Mail Order
(6) A Little Faith
(7) She's the One
(12-6) 232.25 - 431490
(12-6-7) 427.50 - 224293
(12-6-7-5) 609.25 - 136095
Daily Double
(1-12) 27.75 - 75357
Favorito: (7)She's the One
Mandiles: 12, 6, 7, 5, 2, 4, 10, 3, 11
Jinetes: (1°) Jose Lezcano, (2°) Javier Castellano, (3°) Jose L. Ortiz, (4°) Jose A. Gomez, (5°) Luis Cardenas, (6°) Michael J. Luzzi, (7°) John R. Velazquez, (8°) Manuel Franco, (9°) Kendrick Carmouche
Preparadores: (1°) William I. Mott, (2°) Bruce N. Levine, (3°) Christophe Clement, (4°) Jorge Duarte, Jr., (5°) Ian R. Wilkes, (6°) John C. Kimmel, (7°) Todd A. Pletcher, (8°) Christophe Clement, (9°) Joe Sharp
Studs: (1°) James Karp S., (2°) E L R Corp, (3°) Merrylegs Farm, (4°) Colts Neck Stables LLC, (5°) Meerdink, Russell, Ballard, Robert, Winek, Thomas, Winek, Ronald and Koeper, Rachel, (6°) Sleeping Giant Stables, (7°) GMP Stables LLC, (8°) Weintraub, Tony, Tango Uniform Racing LLC and Dalinka, Brandon M., (9°) Butzow, Barry and Butzow, Joni
Criadores: (1°) Saintsbury Farms Inc., (2°) ELR Corp, (3°) Merry Legs Farm North, LLC, (4°) Chester Broman & Mary R. Broman, (5°) Don Alberto Corporation, (6°) Anderson Farms Ont. Inc. & John D. Fielding, (7°) Birchwood Bloodstock LLC, (8°) EURL Freddy Head, (9°) Mr. & Mrs. Barry Butzow
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