Jinetes: (1°) Luis Negron, (2°) Ry Eikleberry, (3°) Kelsi Harr, (4°) Lindey Wade, (5°) Israel Hernandez, (6°) Alfredo J. Juarez, Jr., (7°) Ezequiel Lara, (8°) Dean P. Butler
Preparadores: (1°) Sandra Sweere, (2°) Joel Berndt, (3°) Sue Wiley, (4°) McLean Robertson, (5°) Scot Schindler, (6°) Tricia Rickert, (7°) Justin McKinley, (8°) Bernell B. Rhone
Studs: (1°) Milton Suter, (2°) Lothenbach Stables, Inc. (Jack Lothenbach), (3°) Curtis Rohweder R., (4°) Novogratz Racing Stables Inc., (5°) Teri Holien, (6°) Rickert, Darrel and Tricia, (7°) McKinley, Justin Lyle and Nelson, Reid, (8°) Bunting, Robert H. and Bunting, Tony
Criadores: (1°) Milton Suter, (2°) Lothenbach Stables Inc, (3°) Curtis Rohweder, (4°) Godolphin, Tom Baxter & Elizabeth Baxter, (5°) Kevin J. Conard, (6°) Tricia Rickert & Darrel Rickert, (7°) Dale Borchers, (8°) Tony Alan Bunting &Robert Howard Bunting
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