Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más no ganadoras (h3a+p) 1600m Pasto (Good) 14:19 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $21.000 Claiming: USD $16.000
USD $12.900 al 1ro - USD $3.600 al 2do - USD $1.620 al 3ro - USD $720 al 4to - USD $180 al 5to - USD $180 al 6to - USD $180 al 7mo - USD $180 al 8vo - USD $180 al 9no - USD $180 al 10mo
Retiros: (7)Tammany, (13)American Classic, (14)Tonala, (15)Learnt, (16)Exaggerated Moment
Tiempo: 01.37.09 1600m Pasto (Good)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(2) Starship Mishka
(5) Zaffing
(11) Red Wind
(2-5) 57.30 - 273522
(2-5-11) 299.30 - 155060
(2-5-11-6) 537.53 - 103241
Daily Double
(4-2) 87.90 - 31201
Super High Five
(2-5-11-6-12) 0.00 - 3034
Favorito: (5)Zaffing
Mandiles: 2, 5, 11, 6, 12, 1, 4, 10, 9, 3, 8
Jinetes: (1°) Victor Lebron, (2°) Edgard J. Zayas, (3°) Romero R. Maragh, (4°) Edwin Gonzalez, (5°) Samy Camacho, (6°) Angel S. Arroyo, (7°) Paco Lopez, (8°) Rajiv Maragh, (9°) Chantal Sutherland, (10°) Gaddiel A. Martinez, (11°) Emisael Jaramillo
Preparadores: (1°) Steven Dwoskin, (2°) Todd A. Pletcher, (3°) Antonio Sano, (4°) Saffie A. Joseph, Jr., (5°) Ralph E. Nicks, (6°) Kelsey Danner, (7°) Jorge Delgado, (8°) Gustavo Delgado, (9°) Peter Wasiluk, Jr., (10°) Kathryn Davey, (11°) Kathleen O'Connell
Studs: (1°) Starship Stables, (2°) Wertheimer and Frere, (3°) Cammarota Racing LLC, (4°) Mario Zacco T., (5°) Susan Austin, (6°) Carolyn Wilson, (7°) Bone, Robert D. and Brown, Jr., Edward J., (8°) OGMA Investments, LLC and Gelfenstein Farm, (9°) Harpinator Racing, LLC, (10°) K. D. Racing and Waugh, Felicity, (11°) Holman, Dennis and Kathleen O'Connell Racing Stable Inc.
Criadores: (1°) Arthur Mergenhagen, (2°) Wertheimer Et Frere, (3°) Castle Park Farm, LLC & John Karakourtis, (4°) Calumet Farm, (5°) Empire Maker Syndicate & Harmony Farm, (6°) Carolyn Wilson, (7°) Don Alberto Corporation, (8°) WinStar Farm, LLC, (9°) Steve Harner, (10°) Sharon Will, (11°) Janice Woods
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