Maiden (Msw) Pr. "Maiden" 3yo or more (3a+) 1700m Arena (Rápida) 15:36 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: CAD $61.000
CAD $54.780 al 1ro - CAD $12.200 al 2do - CAD $6.710 al 3ro - CAD $5.478 al 4to - CAD $1.830 al 5to - CAD $400 al 6to - CAD $400 al 7mo - CAD $400 al 8vo
Jinetes: (1°) Luis Contreras, (2°) Jerome Lermyte, (3°) David Moran, (4°) Christopher Husbands, (5°) Eurico R. Da Silva, (6°) Alan Garcia, (7°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (8°) Jeffrey I. Alderson
Preparadores: (1°) Kevin Attard, (2°) Mark E. Casse, (3°) Francis Abbott, III, (4°) Judith R. Pottins, (5°) Michael W. Dickinson, (6°) Donald C. MacRae, (7°) Catherine Day Phillips, (8°) Chetram Mohabir
Studs: (1°) Derek Chin, (2°) Live Oak Plantation, (3°) AJ Suited Racing Stable, LLC, (4°) Shortstop Stable, (5°) Stephen E. Post, (6°) Lay, Michael, Loughry, Mike and D Mac Racing Stable, Inc., (7°) Fitzhenry, Sean and Dorothy, (8°) Hosain Dawlatyan
Criadores: (1°) Frank Mermenstein, (2°) Live Oak Stud, (3°) Frank Hutchinson, (4°) Judith Pottins DVM & H. Pottins, (5°) Pin Oak Stud, LLC, (6°) Elise Kendall & Scott Kendall, (7°) Sean Fitzhenry, (8°) Andy Stronach & Wally Pugh
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