Allowance (Alw) Pr. "Allowance" Statebred Restriction 3yo or more (3a+) 1600m Pasto (Firm) 13:00 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $57.000
USD $34.200 al 1ro - USD $11.400 al 2do - USD $6.840 al 3ro - USD $3.420 al 4to - USD $1.140 al 5to - USD $351 al 6to - USD $351 al 7mo - USD $351 al 8vo - USD $351 al 9no - USD $351 al 10mo
Retiros: (0)Nap Lajoie, (0)Rinse and Repeat, (0)Unbridled Ethos
Tiempo: 1.35.39 1600m Pasto (Firm)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(7) The Street Fighter
(6) Lostintranzlation
(1) Fast as Cass
(7-6) 26.40 - 138.835
(7-6-1) 169.80 - 89.630
(7-6-1-2) 167.92 - 58.976
Favorito: (8)Jet Set Ruler
Mandiles: 7, 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 4, 10, 8
Jinetes: (1°) Tiago J. Pereira, (2°) Joel Rosario, (3°) Geovanni Franco, (4°) Kent J. Desormeaux, (5°) Agapito Delgadillo, (6°) Joseph Talamo, (7°) Flavien Prat, (8°) Mike E. Smith, (9°) Drayden Van Dyke, (10°) Rafael Bejarano
Preparadores: (1°) Bruce Headley, (2°) Richard Baltas, (3°) Gary Stute, (4°) James M. Cassidy, (5°) Javier J. Sierra, (6°) Michael W. McCarthy, (7°) Hector O. Palma, (8°) John A. Shirreffs, (9°) Jedd B. Josephson, (10°) Richard Baltas
Studs: (1°) Bruce Headley, (2°) Hesz, Aaron, Hendrickson, Denis and McClanahan, Jerry, (3°) Bardy Farm, Huston Racing Stable and Loverso, Vincenzo, (4°) DP Racing, (5°) Sherry, Carolyn and Sierra Stables, Inc., (6°) Fradkin, John and Fradkin, Diane, (7°) BG Stables, (8°) Jerome S. Moss, (9°) Siegel, Jeff S. and Sondheimer, Eric, (10°) Bederian, Harry, Kamberian, Harout and Nakkashian, Hagop
Criadores: (1°) Bruce Headley & Andrew Molasky, (2°) Lilley Ranch, (3°) Abrams, Huston Racing Stables, Loverso& Perez, (4°) PT Syndicate #1, LLC, (5°) Goda, Auerbach & Abrams, (6°) John Fradkin & Diane Fradkin, (7°) BG Stables, (8°) Gene Tenbrink, (9°) Thomas W Bachman, (10°) Cole Ranch
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