Maiden Claiming (Mcl) Pr. "Maiden Claiming" Hembras 3 años y más no ganadoras (h3a+p) 1200m Arena (Rápida) 15:16 hrs.
Bolsa de Premios: USD $9.900 Claiming: USD $5.000
USD $6.000 al 1ro - USD $2.000 al 2do - USD $1.000 al 3ro - USD $500 al 4to - USD $100 al 5to - USD $100 al 6to - USD $50 al 7mo - USD $50 al 8vo - USD $50 al 9no - USD $50 al 10mo
Jinetes: (1°) Jermaine V. Bridgmohan, (2°) Rodney A. Prescott, (3°) Jose Montano, (4°) Andres P. Ulloa, (5°) Kendal Sterritt, (6°) Olaf Hernandez, (7°) Fernando De La Cruz, (8°) Samuel E. Bermudez, (9°) Ezequiel Lara, (10°) Thomas L. Pompell, (11°) Santo Sanjur, (12°) Orlando Mojica
Preparadores: (1°) Brandi Steele, (2°) Genaro Garcia, (3°) Brandi Steele, (4°) Jose G. Castanon, (5°) Randy Matthews, (6°) James Egbert, (7°) Ron Raper, (8°) Chaz Rechy, (9°) Kim Hammond, (10°) Robert Pompell, (11°) Eric R. Reed, (12°) Stephen V. Fosdick
Studs: (1°) Brandi Steele, (2°) Murphy, Bruce, Allen, Jay, McDonald, Alan and Southwest Racing Stables, (3°) Emma Sanchez Jimenez, (4°) Jose Castanon G., (5°) Ten Strike Racing, (6°) Zola Egbert, (7°) DRW Racing, LLC, (8°) Danielle Plantz, (9°) Willowbrook Stables, Ltd. (Neiman) and Carden, Jerry, (10°) Saddleback Stables Thoroughbreds LLC, (11°) AES Thoroughbreds, Inc., (12°) David Purcell
Criadores: (1°) Dr. William Reed, (2°) Sebastien Murat & Nicolas Drion, (3°) Athens Woods LLC, (4°) Calumet Farm, (5°) J. D. Squires, (6°) Steve Roberts, (7°) Kathie Maybee, (8°) Kathie Maybee & Dan Bearden, (9°) Goodwin/Berryhill/Roberts, (10°) Mike Moore & Maureen Moore, (11°) Alexander J. Lee, (12°) David Purcell
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