Bolsa de Premios: CAD $38.873 Claiming: CAD $40.000
CAD $22.959 al 1ro - CAD $7.653 al 2do - CAD $3.508 al 3ro - CAD $2.296 al 4to - CAD $957 al 5to - CAD $300 al 6to - CAD $300 al 7mo - CAD $300 al 8vo - CAD $300 al 9no - CAD $300 al 10mo
Retiros: (8)Cheek to Cheek, (9)Chestermere, (11)Lauderdale, (13)Strike Revenge, (15)Strategic Vision
Tiempo: 01.15.51 1300m Pasto (Firm)
A Segundo
A Tercero
(1) Stormfuhr
(6) In a Twist
(3) Frobisher Bay
(1-6) 58.25 - 155795
(1-6-3) 49.20 - 110660
(1-6-3-5) 171.09 - 75831
Daily Double
(2-1) 53.85 - 13326
Favorito: (3)Frobisher Bay
Mandiles: 1, 6, 3, 5, 12, 2, 10, 4, 14, 7
Jinetes: (1°) Eurico R. Da Silva, (2°) Rafael M. Hernandez, (3°) Luis Contreras, (4°) Emma-Jayne Wilson, (5°) Sahin Civaci, (6°) Omar Moreno, (7°) Kazushi Kimura, (8°) Jeffrey I. Alderson, (9°) Justin Stein, (10°) Jesse M. Campbell
Preparadores: (1°) Michael Mattine, (2°) Katerina Vassilieva, (3°) Martin Drexler, (4°) Renee D. Kierans, (5°) Robert J. Rose, (6°) Laurie Silvera, (7°) Martin Drexler, (8°) Shelley E. Fitzgerald, (9°) John Mattine, (10°) Michael Keogh
Studs: (1°) Stacey Van Camp, (2°) Chesney, Stephen and Hoffman, Cory S., (3°) Rowbotham, D. and Partners, (4°) Wallace Standardbreds Inc., (5°) Rose, Robert J. and Jam Rock Stable, (6°) Silvera, Laurie and Lee, H. Archie, (7°) 1569389 Ontario, Inc. and Maragh, Sadio, (8°) Fitzgerald, Shelley E., Wickins, Martin and Likamshum, Patrice, (9°) RCC Racing Stable Ltd. and Realm Racing Stables, (10°) Schickedanz, Gustav and Howard, D.
Criadores: (1°) Don Myers, (2°) Colebrook Farms, (3°) Sycamores Farm, (4°) Anthony B. Russo & Leslie L. Russo, (5°) Mary Ellen Biamonte, (6°) John Carey, (7°) Hill 'N' Dale Farms & Partners, (8°) Martin Wickins & Shelley Fitzgerald, (9°) John C. Oxley, (10°) Gustav Schickedanz
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